Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tattoo Red De Bangbros

Niembäume waiting to be planted Araucaria

wait Many small Niembäume waiting to be planted. Neem, Neem, Paraiso, or whatever it is called, is a true miracle tree. It probably originated from India, where it has been many a passage to the Indian doctor or pharmacist saves. Jean Pütz already reported in a mission and his book on this miracle tree. The leaves and bark are used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry, from the fruit seeds are highly effective insecticides and the wood is produced as a timber but also in the furniture industry used. Moreover, with the tree during growth and by the fallen leaves, soil improvement. Much more can not afford a tree. Therefore, and because our investors deserve it won, has also Global Forest chose this tree. Where possible, these trees will be taken into account when planning and planting. Who wants to know more about this tree is for Global Forest or read the book by Jean Pütz or the standard, the Neemtree.


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